“CID,” the iconic Indian crime television series, has made a triumphant return with its second season, premiering on December 21, 2024, after a six-year hiatus. Airing on Sony Entertainment Television every Saturday and Sunday at 10 PM, the show continues to captivate audiences with its gripping narratives and complex cases. The revival brings back the beloved trio of Shivaji Satam as ACP Pradyuman, Dayanand Shetty as Senior Inspector Daya, and Aditya Srivastava as Senior Inspector Abhijeet. Their on-screen chemistry and camaraderie rekindle nostalgia among long-time fans, while introducing the series to a new generation of viewers. Season 2 delves into contemporary crimes, reflecting the evolving societal landscape.
CID (2024) S02 1080p 720p 480p WEB-DL x264
IMDb: 6.3/10 || Size: See below ▼ || Language: Hindi (ORG)
Genres: Action, Crime
Director: Shachindra Vats, Santosh Shetty
Cast: ACP Pradyuman, Dayanand Shetty, Aditya Srivastava
During a critical rescue operation, Abhijeet tragically loses his daughter Shreya due to a minor error by Daya. Three months later, a mysterious shooting incident occurs on a metro, leaving a woman injured. How will ACP Pradyuman and his team uncover the truth behind this case?
(New Episodes Will Be Added Every Saturday & Sunday…)
|| Episode 01 – 21st December 2024 ||
Watch & Download in 1080p - 1.2GB
Watch & Download in 720p - 573MB
Watch & Download in 480p - 225MB
The premiere episode set a high standard, featuring a tense hostage situation that tested the team’s investigative prowess and moral convictions. The show’s hallmark blend of suspense, action, and forensic science remains intact, ensuring a compelling viewing experience. The absence of Dinesh Phadnis, who portrayed Inspector Fredricks and passed away in December 2023, is deeply felt. His character’s legacy is honored through heartfelt tributes woven into the storyline, acknowledging his significant contribution to the series.
For those eager to catch up on “CID” Season 2, episodes are available for streaming on SonyLIV. Additionally, platforms like SSRmovies offer access to a diverse range of entertainment content, including popular TV shows and movies, catering to audiences seeking quality viewing experiences. The return of “CID” has been met with enthusiasm, with fans expressing their excitement on social media. The show’s enduring appeal lies in its ability to adapt to changing times while preserving the core elements that made it a cultural phenomenon. As the season progresses, viewers can anticipate more intricate cases and the unwavering dedication of the CID team in their pursuit of justice.