“Moonwalk,” a comedy-thriller web series, premiered on December 20, 2024, exclusively on JioCinema. Directed by Ajay Bhuyan and penned by Shiv Singh, the series is set in the quaint town of Rampur and delves into a quirky love triangle intertwined with an unexpected heist.
The narrative centers on two adept thieves, Tarik Pandey and Maddy Kapoor, portrayed by Anshumaan Pushkar and Samir Kochhar, respectively. Both are enamored with the charming Chandini Lakhani, played by Nidhi Singh. In a bid to determine the more suitable suitor, Chandini challenges them to steal a highly coveted item, setting off a series of comedic and thrilling events. Their rivalry escalates as they concoct elaborate heist plans, leading to unforeseen consequences that blend humor with suspense.
Moonwalk (2024) 1080p 720p 480p WEB-DL x264
IMDb: N/A || Size: See below || Language: Hindi (ORG 5.1)
Genres: Comedy
Director: N/A
Stars: Sheeba Chaddha, Neha Chauhan, Samir Kochchar
Two thieves go head to head to steal the heart of a local heart-throb. Their rivalry and competition lead to dangerous yet hilarious consequences.
|| Complete Series Download in 1080p Zip ||
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Download (Ep 06-10) 1080p - 2.1GB
|| Complete Series Download in 720p Zip ||
Download (Ep 01-10) 720p - 2.2GB
|| Complete Series Download in 480p Zip ||
Download (Ep 01-10) 480p - 911MB
The supporting cast features talented actors such as Sheeba Chaddha and Geetanjali Kulkarni, who contribute depth and nuance to the storyline. “Moonwalk” has been lauded for its engaging plot, witty dialogues, and the palpable chemistry among the lead actors. The series adeptly balances elements of comedy and thrill, offering viewers a refreshing take on the heist genre within the Indian web series landscape.
For those interested in watching “Moonwalk,” it is available for streaming on JioCinema. Additionally, platforms like SSRmovies provide access to a diverse range of entertainment content, including the latest web series and movies, catering to audiences seeking quality viewing experiences. “Moonwalk” stands out as a noteworthy addition to the 2024 web series lineup, captivating audiences with its unique storyline and compelling performances. Its blend of humor, romance, and suspense makes it a must-watch for enthusiasts of the genre.